Surrogate Mother Recruitment and Testing

The choice of the surrogate is best left to the Doctors as they choose the lady with the best endometrium just before the transfer. This is also one of the major reasons for our success.

The choice of the surrogate is best left to the Doctors as they choose the lady with the best endometrium just before the transfer. This is also one of the major reasons for our success.

In general below mentioned criteria is used for selection of Surrogate Mother:

There may be exceptions in some cases, however these are the basics clinics explore in a would to be surrogate.

  • Bearing at-least one child.
  • Aged between 21-35 Years
  • No history of pregnancy/delivery/post-partum complications.
  • No history of premature birth. (For singleton, born by a minimum of 38 weeks and for twins, born by a minimum of 36 weeks).
  • Good physical condition and mental state.
  • No criminal history. (A criminal background questionnaire is provided).
  • Should be willing (along with partner) to endure psychological & medical assessments and willing to supply all medical record.
  • No tattoos/piercings at intervals the last 6 months.
  • Should reside in a permanent address.
  • Married or in a stable relationship.
  • Ideally height/weight proportionate.
  • Non-smoker.
  • Have an honest support system. (Partner, friends, and family that’s supportive of your surrogacy journey).
  • No history of depression or alternative medical specialty disorders.
  • Have a positive outlook in life, kind of others, compassionate, sensible someone and caring.
  • Willing to take IVF medications (both oral and subcutaneous/intramuscular injections of hormones).
  • Willing to possess invasive medical procedures endometrial biopsies/IVF transfers/amniocentesis etc.
  • Willing to visit fertility clinics, lawyers, and doctor’s ultrasound appointments.
  • Take time off from family for surrogacy (appointments, bed rest, birth, and post-partum).
  • Confidence in fulfilling surrogacy agreement by knowing wholeheartedly that this is often the proper call for you and you’ll with confidence say that you simply would don’t have any problems with relinquishing the children you’ve carried at birth.
  • No abuse of drugs or alcohol either presently or for a minimum of 1-3 years.

Medical- Psychological checks carried out:

  • Once the female approaches us for becoming a gestational carrier she has to undergo various examinations that include
  • Interview by the Counsellor of the clinic to determine her mental and psychological condition.
  • Examination of her family history for determining of any kind of genetic disorders, family history of heritable diseases, fertility issues.
  • Providing her all the details of the process including the requirements and monetary aspects.
  • Formal consents and agreements signed to ensure legal documentation
  • Testing for sexually transmitted diseases
  • Psychiatrist to prepare her for the process.
  • Counselling by Gynacelogist in detail wherein all the process will be explained to her for third time before enrolment in process.
  • Advanced Blood Tests including a Chromosomal Analysis.
  • Hormonal Assays and a Trans-Vaginal scan to assess their own fertility (this is the most important step and is done only by our Obstetricians and Gynecologists).


Once the surrogate mother passes through all these tests, they undergo a dummy transfer wherein all medications are given for a trial cycle without actually transferring any embryos. This is done to assess her systemic response to hormonal therapy. Once a prospective surrogate clears all these steps, she is counseled and is enlisted in our program. We follow ASRM and ESHRE guidelines and do all the necessary tests for surrogates and donors. All the tests listed here are done. In addition to this, we also do:

– PCR for HIV – VDRL – HBSAG (Hepatitis B and HB antigen) – Hepatitis -C HCV – Hb % – Blood grouping and Rh typing – TSH – BT CT – PAP Test – Mantoux
– ESR – CUE – Group B Streptococcus; GBS – Sexually transmitted diseases including gonorrhea and syphilis – HIV-ABS-EIA – TORCH test. – Folic Acid level – Random blood sugar, Hb% – HCV antibody – Blood sugar
– Platelet count – White blood cell count – Serum – Renal function test – Liver function test – RBS – Blood Urea – X-Ray Chest and ECG – Hormonal test if applicable and suggested by Doctor – Any other test suggested by Doctor