Pre-Natal Checkup Schedule

Pre-Natal Checkup Schedule:

  • On the day of HCG – X-Ray chest, ECG, PCR for HIV.
  • Beta HCG values: 12 days after embryo transfer; repeated on day 15 post embryo transfer.
  • Trans-Vaginal USG: Day 21 to detect a Gestational Sac; Day 31-scan to detect Heart Beat.
  • From there on a pregnancy Trans-Vaginal USG every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • In the event of pregnancy at 6 weeks of pregnancy after heart beat is confirmed, repeat all above except blood group.
  • Every 15 days – Hb, CUE, RBS
  • 12 weeks of pregnancy – PAPA, B-HCG, Nuchal Translucency, PCR for HIV.
  • To rule out Down’s Syndrome: Week 12- Double Test.
  • 18 weeks – Triple test, TIFFA Scan, PCR for HIV.
  • 24 weeks, 30 weeks – Routine tests (the list above), PCR for HIV.
  • To detect any gross anomalies: Between Week 18 to 22: 4-D scan TIFFA – Targeted Image Fetal Anomaly scan.
  • 1 day before Delivery – PCR for HIV and Routine tests.
  • We also test for chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in the donors to rule out common chromosomal and genetic disorders.